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City Council Minutes 12/27/2001
Council Meeting # 52
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall
December 27, 2001

Roll Call - Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Pledge of Allegiance

Presentations and Proclamations

Mayor Carnicelli presented Councilor Chuck Mason with a key to the City.  She spoke of his leadership and vision for Auburn and wished him the best for the future.

Sam Giangreco, 81 N. Lewis St. Auburn spoke of the example Councilor Mason set as a leader and thanked him for his work.  He also mentioned the countless times he would find Mr. Mason at Hoopes Park planting flowers to improve the park.

John Breanick, 218 S. Seward Ave. spoke to congratulate Councilor Mason on 4 great years and thank him for his work.

Leo Pinckney representing the Auburn Community Baseball Board and Tony Flores Auburn Doubledays General Manager thanked Councilor Mason for his work on that board and presented him with a gift from the Doubledays.

Meg Vanek, Executive Director of the Cayuga County Tourism Bureau spoke to thank Mr. Mason for his contribution to tourism in the county.  

Lori Michelman, 228 W. Genesee St. Auburn, spoke to thank Mr. Mason for his time, knowledge and dedication to the community.  

Tina Morrissey, Owasco, spoke to thank Councilor Mason for his work in this community.  

Marcus Babbs, 39 Seminary St. thanked Councilor Mason for his help with his neighborhood revitalization project.

Kent Brandstetter, 106 Franklin St. thanked Mr. Mason and wished him well.

City Manager John Salomone gave Councilor Mason a photo of the Shine Theater marquee that displays the words “Thank You Chuck Mason”.  

Councilor Dempsey thanked Councilor Mason for his work and commented on the extraordinary commitment Mr. Mason has for our community.  

Councilor Hunter thanked Mr. Mason and offered him some advice on politics.

Mayor Carnicelli spoke and mentioned the various projects that Mr. Mason supported and worked on such as the skateboard park, and landfill.  She commented on the passion he brought to the things he did.

Councilor Mason thanked all the people that spoke and came to this meeting.  He specifically thanked his parents, fellow councilors, city staff, the Historic Sites Board and volunteers, and the Auburn Community Baseball Board.  

A 3 minute recess was taken prior to continuing with the remaining agenda items.

Public Announcements
Presentations of Communications and Petitions
Ordinances and Local Laws
Work Session
·       Update on Connector Rd.

City Manager John Salomone began by following up on questions that were asked at the last work session regarding York St. reconstruction and intersection issues.  Councilors, Vijay Mital, Planning Director discussed various concerns.  Mayor Carnicelli recommended that every Councilors concern be considered before the bonding process begins.  It was agreed to hold a public information session at the January 10th 2002 work session meeting to get more feedback from the residents affected by the possibility of the road.

·       Recycling Grant for Building at Landfill

Mr. Salomone reviewed Building Grant details.  Council along with city staff, Frank DeOrio, Mike Long, discussed project.  It was agreed that more details would be discussed at the next work session on January 10, 2002.

Other Business
Mayor Carnicelli proposed that council consider starting meetings at 6:00 PM at the request of Councilor Dempsey and Hunter who work until 5:00PM and would be better able to make meetings on time at 6:00PM.  Council discussed and agreed to begin at 6:00PM beginning on January 10, 2002.

Public to be heard

Bill Jacobs, 95 Cottage St. (and incoming City Councilor) spoke in favor of Council meetings starting at 7:00PM.

Tony Amodei, Cameron St., spoke regarding the connector road going through his property.  

Marcus Babbs, 39 Seminary St. asked if he could distribute letters he brought for council from his neighbors.

Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss to items; proposed sale or lease of real property and the employment history of a particular individual.  All in favor.  Meeting began at 7:03PM ending at 7:49PM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.